Sparkling points of light etch out blurry dates
on brilliant, jewel-like fields of color. The Date/ Time photographs (2007-2017) ... Because we are told so little about these
cryptic photographs, they become open fields for us to project meaning onto
them. The elongated, somber 1918 seems
to summon the final year of World War One; the gilded 1929 suggests the stock market crash that defines that year. How to
construe the milky bleeding of 2001, or the cobalt lure of 1964? In this
invitation to project - to connect what we see (in the photograph) with what we
know (about the year depicted) - the border between what lies outside us (in the image) and what we
draw from inside us (our
associations) becomes as blurry as these dates.
-Leora Maltz-Leca
Curator, Redwood Contemporary Arts Initiative
Associate Professor, Contemporary Art
History of Art & Visual Culture, RISD