Redwood Athenaeum 2019-2020 Artist-in-Residence
The galleries on this page are the most current and 
 the Redwood Athenaeum page illustrates the scope of my projects to date. 

Patterns to Remember + Lost Americans

Drawn from, and based on, the Redwood Library’s now dispersed collection of North American Indian portraits painted by Charles Bird King

All 2019
Inkjet Prints on Archival Paper
Lost Americans painted works:
All 2019
Acrylic on Paper
  1: Amiskquew   2:Pushmataha   3:Hayne Hudjihini   4: Shaumonekusse  5: Chenannoquot  6: Wakechai
New Paintings and Photographs >Upcoming January 2020
 a studio view below...project is expanding , SAtay Tuned!

Current 2019 Installation, Ongoing and well lit.
All Images and Projects are Copyrighted , Kevin Dacey, 2018